Research Team Removes A Rope That's Been Tangled Around A Turtle's Neck For Years

February 13, 2017

A sea turtle finally has some relief after suffering from a rope tangled tightly around its neck for years. Biologists working in Costa Rica rescued the turtle after it appeared to be asking for help by swimming near their boat.

"We found an exhausted olive ridley female swimming close to our research boat and she was dragging a huge bulk of discarded fishing net behind her. Parts of it were wrapped around her throat and had already started to cut into her flesh. We took her onboard our boat, cut-off the net, and disinfected her cuts with iodine. Due to the knowledge of the scarcity of sea turtle rehab facilities and lack of expert care for injured sea turtles in Costa Rica, we released the female back into the water since she seemed otherwise healthy and strong."

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