Hero Cat Saves 5 Year-Old Boy From Group Of Bullies

December 30, 2014

Smudge is no scaredy cat.

The heroic cat came to the rescue of his young owner as bullies were picking a fight.

cat saves kid from bully
Credit: Mirror.co.uk / Mercury

Five year-old Ethan Fenton was being pushed to the ground by a group of boys when Smudge sprang into action, pouncing on the chest of one of the bigger boys. The boy and his friends were so stunned by the cat's actions that they ran away crying.

Ethan's mother, Sarah, witnessed the scene:

"I was keeping an eye on the boys who were playing football in the front garden. I saw three boys who were much taller and older than Ethan walk over to our front gate. I heard them shout Ethan's name twice but he ignored them and just put his head back down and kept playing with Ashton (his younger brother).

"But then they shouted him again and then one of the boys got in Ethan's face and said, 'Oi! Why are you ignoring me?' and pushed him over. That's when I rushed outside and saw Smudge fly out from under our car and jump on the boys chest. I think it was shock more than anything but the boy stumbled backwards, burst into tears and then ran off."

cat saves kid from bully
Credit: Mirror.co.uk / Mercury

"He has never done anything like that before but it was absolutely brilliant seeing him look out for Ethan like that," Sarah added. "He has slept outside his bedroom keeping guard ever since it happened."

Credit: Mirror

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