Homeless Man Offers Woman His Last Bit Of Change To Get Home Safe

December 16, 2014

After a homeless man came to her aid, a 22-year-old University of Central Lancashire student has vowed to pay him back.

college student raises money for homeless man
Rossparry/Lancashire Evening Post

Dominique Harrison-Bentzen lost her bank card, but only realized this when she went to grab money for a cab.

"I suddenly realized that I had no money and a homeless man approached me with his only change of £3," Dominique said. "He insisted I took it to pay for a taxi to make sure I got home safe."

On December 16, 2014, Dominique will spend 24 hours living on the streets with him to raise money and help him get back on his feet.

"He has been homeless for seven months through no fault of his own and he can't get work due to having no address. And I simply can't just give him the money, I have to go through the right channels so I will be spending 24 hours through the day and night as a homeless person to understand the difficulties they face each day."

college student raises money for homeless man

"If people can sponsor me £3 – as Robbie attempted to give me his only £3 – in the hope of collecting enough to get Robbie a flat deposit so that he can be safe and warm."

With only one day left, the fundraising goal of £12,500.00 has almost been met.

If you want to help Robbie, make a donation here.

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