UPS Makes 4 Year-Old's Dream Come True With Special Delivery

December 8, 2014

UPS is currently running the Your Wishes Delivered campaign, which invites people to share their wishes during the Christmas season. That's how they met a special little boy named Carson, who shared his wish of becoming a UPS driver.

UPS Ernie makes kids wish come true
UPS / YouTube

It all started when Carson met UPS driver, Ernie Lagasca, who makes deliveries in his neighborhood.

"When Carson was born he couldn't drink milk or anything with a milk protein in it, so they sent formula," Carson's mom, Karen, told KRDO. "Mr. Ernie would deliver quite a few times to our house. For four years Mr. Ernie delivered that special milk," she continued. "He asked him at about 2 1/2, 'You wanna see my truck?' And he took off with Ernie like there was no tomorrow."

UPS teamed up with Mr. Ernie and delivered Carson's wish. Watch the video below:

Carson's mom had this to say about what UPS and Mr. Ernie did for her son:

UPS wish for kid

(H/T) Country Music Nation. Learn more at Wishes Delivered.

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