This 5 Year-Old With Autism Is Shocking The World With Her Paintings

October 14, 2014

In 2011, five year-old Iris Grace was diagnosed with Autism. With that diagnosis came an incredible gift.

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

Her parents encouraged painting to help with Iris' speech therapy, joint attention and turn taking. That's when they discovered her amazing talent.

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

Iris has an incredible concentration span of around 2 hours each time she paints. Her mother makes up some cups of very watery paints, and Iris chooses which one she would like to use and gets her mom to make more when she needs it. She mixes her own colors from mug to mug.

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

"Her autism has created a style of painting which I have never seen in a child of her age," Iris' mom shared on her website. "She has an understanding of colors and how they interact with each other."

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

"She beams with excitement and joy when I get out the paints, it lifts her mood every time."

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

"She has found a way of expressing herself that is so beautiful, so we wanted to share it and thereby raise awareness of her condition."

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

Her stunning paintings have attracted attention around the world.

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

I'm not sure if this was intentional, but step back and you will notice the cat's face in this painting.

Grace amazing paintings 5 year old

Check out more at and like her Facebook page!

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