Customers At This Diner Get A Special Discount For Praying In Public
August 4, 2014
Customers who pause to thank God before eating at a North Carolina diner are in for quite a surprise when they receive their bill.
Jordan Smith Facebook
Mary's Gourmet Diner in Winston-Salem, North Carolina offers its customers a 15% discount for "praying in public".
"For me, every plate of food is a gift," owner Mary Haglund explained to The Blaze. "And I never take that for granted and when I see someone in a restaurant honoring their gratefulness at my table … it touches my heart."
The tab (shown above) belonged to Jordan Smith, who traveled to Winston-Salem on a business trip. She told HLN the group prayed over their meal and the waitress came over while they finished up and said, "Just so you know, we gave you a 15% discount for praying."
Smith is surprised how much the photo has spread online. "I just innocently posted it to my Facebook page and it's been really fun to see where it's gone from there."
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