Indian Teen Born With A Long Tail Is Worshipped As A God

June 17, 2014

An Indian teenager is being worshipped as a god because he has a 7 inch tail.

indian kid with tail worshipped

Arshid Ali Khan, 13, has become a divine symbol in the state of Punjab. Locals have hailed him a reincarnation of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman - and refer to him as Balaji.

indian kid with tail worshipped

Arshid said: "This tail has been given to me by God. I am worshipped because I pray to God and the wishes of people come true."

"When he spoke for the first time at the age on one all he spoke was the names of Gods from different religions," said Mr. Qureshi, a music instructor. "It was that day I realised that he had something divine and godly about him."

indian kid with tail worshipped

Arshid's home has been converted into a temple where his devotees come to visit him to receive his blessings and touch his "tail". 

"A lot of people's wishes have come true after they have visited," claims Qureshi.

Despite his supposed powers, Arshid has to use a wheelchair and suffers from an undiagnosed disorder. Some doctors in India have told the family it is down to brittle bones while others have said it is due to the tail growth protruding from his spine.

indian kid with tail worshipped

As for Arshid, he does not believe the removal of the tail will stop the crowds flocking to his house for blessings.

Via Dailymail

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