Johns Hopkins Engineering Students Invent Quieter Leaf Blower

June 18, 2024

Today's good news story comes from Baltimore, MD.

Engineering students at Johns Hopkins University were tasked with an ambitious challenge: redesign a leaf blower to be as powerful as ever, but without the ear-piercing noise that has led to its ban in some communities and widespread annoyance in others.

Amazingly, the students succeeded beyond expectations.

quiet leaf blower

Their innovative leaf blower reduces overall noise by nearly 40% and significantly diminishes the most irritating frequencies. The design is patent-pending, and Stanley Black & Decker plans to start selling the improved leaf blowers within two years.

"We spent countless hours refining this project, iterating through various versions, and it's incredibly rewarding to see it pay off," said team member Michael Chacon, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering. "We are stoked and super, super proud."

The four-member team experimented with over 40 versions before settling on the final design: an attachment that acts like a silencer on a gun or a muffler on a car, significantly reducing noise.

"Our product separates the full blow of air," explained team member Leen Alfaoury. "Some of the air comes out as it is, while part of it is shifted. This combination makes the blower much quieter."

Team member Madison Morrison added, "It's the difference between hearing a high-pitched whistle and a sound more akin to wind noise."

Stanley Black & Decker officials were thoroughly impressed and are eager to begin manufacturing and selling these new, quieter leaf blowers.

Watch the video below.

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