Barber's Split-Second Decision Saves Toddler From Oncoming Traffic

April 30, 2024

Today's good news story comes from East Hartford, Connecticut.

Two barbers have been hailed as heroes for their heroic act of rescuing a toddler from running into oncoming traffic.

hero barber
@obthebarber / Osvaldo Lugo

The dramatic incident unfolded during a routine day at LookSharp Barbershop when Osvaldo Lugo glanced out the window and noticed a small child wandering dangerously close to a busy intersection on Main Street. Reacting swiftly, he alerted his colleague Rafael Santana, and without a moment's hesitation, the two sprang into action.

Abandoning their barbering tools, Lugo and Santana bolted out of the shop and raced down the street. They managed to intercept the toddler just in the nick of time, mere moments before he could have darted into oncoming traffic.

Their heroic deed was captured on video, which quickly garnered attention after being shared by the East Hartford Police Department. In a statement, the department commended the barbers' swift and decisive actions, acknowledging them as true heroes whose selfless intervention prevented what could have been a tragic accident.

"We want to give a massive shoutout to the quick-thinking and brave duo, Osvaldo Lugo and Rafael Santana of LookSharp Barbershop," the department expressed. "Thanks to them, a potential tragedy was averted, and a family remains whole. We’re incredibly grateful for these everyday heroes among us!"

The toddler, thankfully unharmed, was reunited with his relieved mother.

Watch the security camera footage below.

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