Japanese Scientists Prove The Possibility of Teleportation
December 28, 2013
For the first time in the world, a team of Japanese scientists managed to implement teleportation. A beam of light was moved from point A to point B. It was destroyed in one place and instantly resurrected in another, "alive" again and unchanged. This is a major advance, as previous teleportation experiments were either very slow or caused some information to be lost.
For the purpose of the experiment, Noriyuki Lee and his colleagues divided light into elementary particles - photons. They kept only one photon that carried the information about the rest beam. This photon was entangled at the quantum level with another photon, which was located at point B. It turned out that these two photons instantaneously affected each other, being physically located in different places. Thanks to this phenomenon, the original beam was at the same moment recreated elsewhere using the information carried by the photon.
The setup Noriyuki Lee and colleagues used to teleport quantum light / Science/AAAS
It is interesting that the possibility of quantum entanglement of elementary particles was suggested by Albert Einstein in 1935, but in that time even the physicist himself considered his theory absurd. However, subsequently physicists have proved that quantum entanglement exists, and already in our days some companies have created technology of secure communication channels on the basis of this phenomenon.
Furthermore, among other things, the phenomenon of quantum entanglement might be used as evidence for the existence of a plurality of parallel universes.
Sources: Learning-mind.com / YouTube
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