An Amazing Story About a Bear, a Bridge, and God
February 7, 2013
A bear was walking across Rainbow Bridge when two cars, also crossing the bridge, scared the bear into jumping over the edge.
Miraculously, the bear caught on to the ledge and was able to pull itself up to safety.
Authorities decided that nothing could be done to help that evening, so they returned the next morning to find the bear sound asleep on the ledge.
After securing a net under the bridge the bear was tranquilized, fell into the net, lowered, then woke up and walked out of the net.
This old bear made a wrong move and he was hanging by his nails. Somehow he was able to pull himself up onto the ledge where he saw he was in a very bad, impossible situation.
Instead of panicking and taking a chance of falling, he took a nap and sure enough, God took care of the situation while he was asleep.
The moral of the story is that when confronted with a bad situation, sometimes the best solution is to take a nap and let God take care of the rest!
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