This Postman Has Donated Over 100 Gallons Of Blood And It Has Saved Thousands Of Lives

August 4, 2017

Every two weeks for the past 34 years, Marcos Perez spends two hours donating blood at the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center.

The 57-year-old postman just passed the 100-gallon mark, saving thousands of lives in the process.

blood donor 100 gallons

Perez donates platelets, a blood component that allows him to donate more often than if he were donating whole blood or double red blood cells.

"They might live an extra day, a year, a month, who knows. Maybe they will live forever," Perez told KENS-TV.

"Don't cost me a dime, only some time. I'm 57 and I've already got 100 gallons!"

Why does he do it?

Perez was born a premature baby, and needed a blood transfusion. He's now returning the favor.

"When I was growing up, my dad told me a friend of his donated blood for me," Perez recalled. "His name was Mr. Aguilar. He took the time to donate, so he saved my life."

Perez says he has no plans on stopping anytime soon.

"If you make time to go eat, you make time to go to the movies, you can make time to come donate," Perez said. "Just make some time. Give from the heart. That's what it takes. You gotta give from the heart."

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