Rescue Dog Shares Her Blanket With A Homeless Dog In Brazil
July 12, 2017
A rescue puppy is melting hearts around the world after being spotted sharing a blanket with a stray dog on a chilly morning in Brazil.
Credit: Suelen Schaumloeffel
Lana was rescued by Suelen Schaumloeffel after being found on the streets last year. But the 8-month-old pup hasn't forgotten her humble origins.
On Tuesday morning, Schaumloeffel watched Lana drag her favorite blanket to the gates of her home to give a homeless dog a share of her good fortune.
Credit: Suelen Schaumloeffel
"She is the nicest little dog I've ever met," Schaumloeffel told The DoDo. "We forget sometimes the difference we can make in someone's life. She reminded me of this."
Lana / Credit: Suelen Schaumloeffel
And now Schaumloeffel, who leaves out food for the stray dog, is trying to find him a home.
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