Two Surgeons Collapse On The Floor After 32-Hour Surgery

June 25, 2017

The operation involved three surgeons, six anesthesiologists, and eight nurses. Together they performed six separate operations to remove a series of brain tumors from a single patient.

surgeons collapse after 32 hour surgery

From Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m. until Sunday, surgeons worked with great patience at the operating table.

According to the Chinese newspaper the Global Times, this was the longest operation ever undertaken at Fujian Medical University Union Hospital.

One of the surgeons, Dr. Chen Jianping, said about the surgery, "The patient had both an aneurysm and brain-stem hemangioblastoma. We needed to remove both tumors in one surgery. This required six different surgical procedures to be conducted on the patient. It can be difficult, risky, and time-consuming. If you are removing one tumor, and the other one breaks, it can be fatal."

During the operation, the doctors took only short breaks, and even the patient's family worried whether the surgeons could handle the physical strain.

But it all turned out well in the end. In the image above, taken shortly after the surgery was completed, one of the surgeons is seen making a V-sign for "Victory."

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