Homeless Shelter Receives $10,000 Donation From Former Resident

June 8, 2017

A formerly homeless man has given the shelter that took him in a $10,000 donation.

good news homeless shelter donation

Officials with Thunder Bay's Shelter House in northern Ontario say they were "floored" when a man gave $10,000 from a residential school settlement to the shelter's street outreach program.

The man, who is a residential school survivor, donated the money to help his friends "stay safe".

Staff member Alexandra Calderon told the BBC the man has been coming to the shelter for about five years. Although he is no longer homeless, the man is not wealthy and appeared at the shelter with a support worker. He still uses some of the shelter's services.

"It was incredibly moving," Calderon told CBC News. "I mean, I'm very passionate about the work we do here at Shelter House, but it just takes it to a whole new level."

"I was without words, we were all in tears ... we were so grateful."

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, made the donation after he heard the shelter would be shutting down its street outreach programme, which picks up homeless and other at-risk people and brings them to the shelter, hospital or detox clinic.

His gift has inspired others as well. People from across the world have donated about $15,000 towards the shelter since Sunday, when his donation was made public.

Shelter officials said they've now raised about $75,000 towards their $200,000 goal.

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