Police Officer Goes Above And Beyond Oath To Protect And Serve By Donating Kidney To Boy She's Just Met
May 15, 2017
A Wisconsin police officer is going above and beyond her oath to protect and serve by donating a kidney to an 8-year-old boy who she's just met.
Meet Lindsey Bittorf of the Milton Police Department.
Photo credit: Gutzman Photography
Last December, Bittorf came across a Facebook post by Kristi Goll in Janesville, Wisconsin, who had made a public plea for potential kidney donors for her 8-year-old son, Jackson.
Goll shared a photo of Jackson saying that recent lab results showed his kidney function is still decreasing and he's in desperate need of a new kidney.
Bittorf had never met the family, but she was moved by the mother's post. She was compelled to get tested to see if she was a match.
Photo credit: Gutzman Photography
Bittorf passed the initial health test, finding that she shared the same blood type as Jackson and they matched three antigens - more than enough to proceed with a kidney transplant.
Bittorf said doctors were "shocked" that a complete stranger was such a good match for Jackson.
Photo credit: Gutzman Photography
Last week, Bittorf surprised Jackson and his family at their home with the good news.
Bittorf told the boy, "I took an oath to serve and protect our community, and now my kidney's going to serve and protect you."
Photo credit: Gutzman Photography
“We hugged a lot and we cried a lot, and it was just a pretty amazing moment,” Goll said in an interview with WISN.
Watch the video below.
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