A Woman Is Rude To The Starbucks Barista. The Next Day She Hands Him This

March 27, 2017

A woman went through the drive-thru at Starbucks yesterday and got a little irritated with the barista because they didn't have any drink carriers.

Today she returned and handed him this.

woman leaves note for Starbucks employee
via imgur.com

The card reads:

"Greetings Starbucks Barista!

Yesterday at your drive-thru we had a less than cheerful encounter. At no fault of yours, you were out of carriers and said you could not take my empty cup (trash).

I was less then understanding and my manner was curt.

I need to apologize. The thought of leaving a trail of unkindness like that is so not the path I want to reflect. Not for you, not for me. You are a young man, clearly working hard to build a future and you should be commended.

Keep up your attitude of cheer and hope. Stay hopeful no matter what kind of people cross your path (or drive thru :) )

Surely, God has good blessing in store.

You taught this ole lady something yesterday about, kindness, compassion and staying humble.

I thank you! Debbie.

God Bless you today and all your todays."

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