Meet The American Hero Who's Walking 2,200 Miles Across America For An Important Cause

March 27, 2017

This is Army veteran Ernesto Rodriguez. To raise awareness for veteran suicide, Ernesto is currently walking 2,200 miles across America.

American hero walking 2200 miles Ernesto Rodriguez

Ernesto is trekking from his hometown of Clarksville, Tennessee, to Los Angeles. As he documents his journey, he's been using the hashtag #Forthe22, which represents the 22 veterans who commit suicide every day.

American hero walking 2200 miles Ernesto Rodriguez

The 34-year-old says he lost friends to PTSD and has attempted suicide himself - twice, according to an interview with WFAA8 Dallas.

""I was in a really bad way after my first tour in Afghanistan and my second," he said in the interview. "I have a daughter, and she would have been without a father. And that's what I think about when thoughts like that creep up."

American hero walking 2200 miles Ernesto Rodriguez

He refuses cash donations for himself; instead, he's asking people to donate to veteran charities and befriend veterans.

Ernesto is a hero!

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