Hairstylist Helps Depressed Woman Who Hasn't Left Her Bed In 6 Months Feel Like Herself Again
March 12, 2017
A hair stylist went out of her way to help a depressed woman feel like herself again. And the end result is simply beautiful.
This is Kate Langman. She is a stylist at Ulta Beauty.
Kate Langman
Langman shared the story, keeping her client's identity private. She explains that the woman came into the salon to buy products to fix her damaged hair. Langman had a better idea.
"I work at The Salon inside Ulta Beauty. About a month ago, I saw this women pulling every product off the 'All Soft' Redken line. When I asked her if she needed any help, she began to tell me her story. A very long story short, this women suffered with a very deep depression. She couldn't get out of her bed for 6 months. Which meant she didn't wash her hair or brush it. She kept pulling it back into this bun which after that long of time turned into a huge dread lock. The bun was so matted that it felt like she literally had rock on the back of her head. This is when I mentioned to just put all the product back on the shelf."
Credit: Kate Langman
"We made an appointment for the following day and she didn't show up. She then called about 2 weeks later and booked another appointment. And once again, no showed. At this point I figured she wasn't going to ever end up coming in. It actually, kind of, broke my heart. I wanted to help her so much.
So today, out of all days, she comes walking in and asked if she can get her hair done today, and that she finally got herself out of bed again. I, of course, said yes. I didn't care how late I stayed, I wanted to make sure she got taken care of. She wanted to keep it on the longer side if it was at all possible. Most of the time the advice is to just cut it off.. But I wanted to make this work for her. I wanted her to know how hard I was going to try to make her feel great again. I explained to her prices and she said 'I don't care about the price, I just want to look like myself again.'
I spent 8 1/2 hours with this girl. 4 1/2 hours of combing, and 3 hours coloring and 1/2 hour for the cut. All of this time, I'm just telling myself to keep going.. that this is going to be all so worth it.
By the end of this service, I could see the sparkle in her eyes and I could see her cheeks get rosy pink from the excitement of not only being able to run her fingers through her hair again, but she felt herself again. I changed someone's life today.. and I'll never ever forget it.
And if this ever makes its way back to her, I want her to know how great, wonderful, kind, loving, and how strong of a person she is. And not only those things, but how beautiful she is.. she deserves nothing but happiness.. And I'm so thankful and so grateful I got to help with her first step."
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