Daniel The Therapy Duck Helps His Owner Live Again After Terrible Accident

October 20, 2016

We've seen plenty of therapy dogs, and even therapy cats, but this is the first time we've seen a registered therapy duck.

Meet Daniel.

therapy duck on plane
Daniel wearing his Captain America underpants

Carla Fitzgerald of Wisconsin, who suffers from PTSD after a terrible accident, found Daniel at a flea market. Without him, Fitzgerald says she would never leave the house.

"He can tell when I'm about to have a PTSD moment," Fitzgerald explains. "He goes with me everywhere in the car."

The Indian Runner Duck even migrates with her on airplanes, giving Fitzgerald the confidence to step out of her comfort zone.

therapy duck on plane

"Without Daniel, I would stay home for the rest of my life," Fitzgerald says. "I would never leave the house because I can't."

Daniel took two flights with her Sunday en route to Asheville and turned a lot of heads along the way.

Because he is registered, the duck is allowed to board an aircraft.

therapy duck on plane

So what's it like living with a therapy duck?

Fitzgerald says it's like having a 4-year-old human in diapers for 15 to 20 years.

"When he's quiet, he's into something he ought not be into," she says. "He also loves macaroni and cheese."

therapy duck on plane

(h/t) WLOS.com

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