Sick Tiger Cub Gets Rescued From Circus, Makes Incredible Recovery And Finds Love!

August 3, 2016

This 9-month-old tiger was so ill, she weighed only 30 pounds when she was supposed to weigh around 120 pounds.

tiger cub rescue finds love

When Aasha was rescued from the circus, her bald spots covered almost her entire body and her skin was dry with cracked, dark areas and bleeding.

tiger cub rescue finds love

"Every day, twice a day, I would go in and give Aasha medications and spend time with her," said Vicky Keahey, founder of Texas' In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Educational Center.

tiger cub rescue finds love

At first, Keahey would have to chase Aasha to get her into medicated baths, but the cub soon started to like them and her condition improved drastically.

tiger cub rescue finds love

"Within eight months she looked like a real tiger, and it was time to see how she would react to other tigers," Keahey said.

tiger cub rescue finds love

Aasha was introduced to a bigger tiger named Smuggler who "went crazy for her and was always showing off for her."

tiger cub rescue finds love

Now the two live in the same enclosure together and Aasha is a healthy and very much loved tigress.

tiger cub rescue finds love

And she just can't get enough of her baths!

tiger cub rescue finds love

(h/t) The Dodo

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