200 Strangers Attend The Funeral Of A Homeless Vet With No Family

June 17, 2016

When an Army major learned that only four people were attending a funeral for a World War II homeless veteran, she not only decided to attend — she took action.

"In the military, we don't serve alone, therefore we should not die alone," Maj. Jaspen Boothe said.

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Jaspen Boothe kissing Serina Vine's casket

She was invited to attend the funeral of Serina Vine by William Jones, a retired Marine who works at Quantico National Cemetery, and on June 7, he recited Boothe's words in front of 200 strangers.

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But Boothe, a formerly homeless vet who now runs a nonprofit for homeless female vets called Final Salute, didn't just accept the invitation; she posted in every veterans group she could think of, and asked people to attend Vine's funeral.

"I was thinking my efforts would make maybe 20 to 30 people show up, but when I arrived, there were hundreds of cars lined up," Boothe, 38, told TODAY.

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Serina Vine

Vine served in the Navy from 1944 to 1946 and was found — apparently showing signs of dementia — on the streets of Washington D.C. in 1995. She was taken to the Department of Veterans Affairs' Community Living Center, where she lived until her death at the age of 91.

Caretakers at the living center said she graduated from the University of California, Berkeley, spoke three different languages, loved to dance and went to church every Sunday.

via Today

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