This Flight Attendant Saw A Man Struggling To Feed Himself, So She Knelt Down And Fed Him

December 11, 2015

Airline passengers on a flight from Zhengzhou to Hainan in South China were moved to tears when they noticed one of the flight attendants feeding a man with disabilities.

flight attendant feeds disable man

Fan Xuesong knelt down and fed the 71-year-old, who suffered from a stroke two years ago and is unable to grip utensils to eat.

"When I started to feed him dinner, the old man suddenly began to cry," Fan told reporters.

flight attendant feeds disable man

Fan initially fed him rice but when he had trouble swallowing, she grabbed a box of noodles for him instead. This made the man cry even more, so she had to grab tissues to wipe his tears away.

flight attendant feeds disable man

A passenger who saw the event unfold took these photos and uploaded them to Weibo - Chinese social media similar to Twitter - where it was shared by millions who also felt touched by the story.

flight attendant feeds disable man

(h/t) dailymail.

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