A Woman Received This Cake From The Bakery. Instead Of Complaining, She Did This

December 2, 2015

Lisa Aldrich went to a Meijer grocery store in Gaines Township, Michigan to have a birthday cake decorated for someone's birthday and ended up with a surprise.

She asked a person she assumed was a bakery employee to write a message on it. Lisa then took the cake without really looking at it...

mom gets birthday cake from girl with autism
Credit: Lisa Sarber Aldrich/Facebook

Lisa wrote on Facebook:

"Picked out a cake at Meijer. Asked bakery-looking-employee if she could write on it for me. She said she would, and after a long time, she came and presented me with this cake. I looked her In the eye and said thank you before I even looked at the cake. After looking, I nervously laughed and headed to check out- it didn't really matter to me that it looked so bad- I thought people would think it was funny. The cashiers at the self check out didn't think it was so funny though, and called a few more cashiers and a manager over to look, even taking pictures. To my surprise, after they discussed it, one cashier put her arm on my shoulder and said 'the girl who wrote that has Autism. Thank you for smiling and thanking her- even though she's not supposed to write on cakes, you probably made her day.' So I guess the moral of the story is that kindness is important!"

Lisa later wrote on Facebook that she had received hundreds of messages from people who have a loved one with autism, thanking her for sharing her story.

"I am totally overwhelmed by God's goodness, and how he has used this cake story! I am sitting here weeping and reading through 100+ messages from people all over the country who have a loved one with Autism, thanking me. I just feel the need to say again - I didn't do anything special. Be nice. That is all."

Be nice. That is all.

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