A Woman Was Pulled Over For Speeding And Began Crying. The Cop's Next Move Was Unexpected

November 28, 2015

Robin Sutherland is having trouble coping with the sad reality that her 90 year-old mother is about to begin hospice care.

Shortly after receiving the news, the Somerville, Mass. resident was pulled over for speeding.

faith in humanity
Robin Sutherland / Credit: WCVB.com

"I thought I had kept it together, until I was pulled over," Robin told ABC News.

While the officer ran her information, Robin, who hasn't had a speeding ticket in over 20 years, became emotional.

 good news cops
Credit: WCVB.com

"It just sort of hit me in those few quiet moments what was really happening," Robin said.

The officer let her go with a warning. But later that day, the officer gave her much more - sending a bouquet of flowers with a heartfelt note.

good storie about police
Credit: WCVB.com

The note read:

"I'm very sorry to hear about your mother. I hope you find comfort in knowing she lived a long life and will continue to live on in your heart and in your memories. - Officer who pulled you over this morning"

happy news
Credit: WCVB.com

The officer who pulled Robin over is Ashley Catatao.

"I came back to her car, and she was crying. Even though her mom is 90 years old, you are never ready to say goodbye to a parent," Officer Catatao said. "That hit me personally because I have a mother, and I am a mother."

good news
Credit: WCVB.com

"The act of kindness from a stranger was so unexpected and thoughtful," Robin added. "With too many stories about officer abuse of power and force, I thought this act of kindness should be called out as a phenomenal act of kindness and one that can remind people that police not only keep us safe, but can be thoughtful beyond expectations."

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