The Hero Who Charged The Oregon Shooter To Save Others Is Doing Fine After Being Shot Seven Times

October 3, 2015

Chris Mintz, the hero that charged the Oregon community college shooter to help save others is doing fine after having surgery to remove seven bullets.

chris mintz hero status

The Army veteran was shot seven times while trying to save other students during the deadly Oregon community college rampage.

His aunt, Sheila Brown, told NBC News that he was shot in the back, abdomen and hands, and had two broken legs. He's been in surgery since the shooting.

"We're not sure how his legs got broken," she added.

On Friday morning, a Facebook page that belongs to Mintz posted the following message:

"This is Chris's friend, Chris asked me to thank everyone for their support, he is grateful and keeping our community and all victims in his thoughts."

Chris Mintz hero charged Oregon shooter status

It's worth mentioning Mintz had a lot more to lose than just his own life when he charged the gunman. The day of the shooting was his son's sixth birthday.

"It's my son's birthday, it's my son's birthday," he was heard saying as he lay wounded.

Originally from Randleman, North Carolina, Mintz served 10 years in the Army and had just started college.

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