For the First Time Ever, GAP Will Feature Models With Disabilities
August 22, 2015
The Gap fashion show will take place today at a Gap store in Miami. And for the first time, models with disabilities will be walking down the runway.
Princess Kayla / Facebook
One of those featured models is 9 year-old Kayla Kosmalski, who has Down Syndrome. She landed the gig after seeing a post on Changing the Face of Beauty's Facebook page - a creative movement to encourage the integration of models with disabilities in the media and advertising.
Princess Kayla / Facebook
"I am just ecstatic for this opportunity for Kayla," her mother Amy Kosmalski told The Mighty. "The campaign is just incredible. It's showing the world that our kids are more alike than different and they deserve the same opportunities as the other kids do. Yes, Kayla has Down syndrome, but she's smart and funny and sassy like all other kids."
Princess Kayla / Facebook
Katie Driscoll, co-founder of Changing the Face of Beauty, said:
"Our message is simple: Kids are kids regardless of their ability, and they look great when given the opportunity to be featured together. This gives us the opportunity to really show the world what is possible when all kids are represented in advertising."
Kosmalski added that Kayla's favorite parts about modeling are waving, blowing kisses and "rocking the stage."
(h/t) The Mighty.
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