A Group Of Teachers Turned Unused Lockers Into Something Amazing
July 16, 2015
The lockers in the 8th grade English hallway at Biloxi Junior High School in Mississippi have been sealed shut for 15 years. This summer, a group of teachers had an idea to turn them into an "Avenue of Literature."
They began painting each individual locker to look like the spine of a book.
Biloxi Public Schools' Facebook
Biloxi Public Schools' Facebook
Knowing they were on to something, they asked if volunteers wanted to join them. The response was amazing.
Biloxi Public Schools' Facebook
"We want students to come back to school in August and walk on the hallway and be absolutely amazed with what we've done and be curious. We want that to be the driving spark for reading in our classrooms," said teacher Elizabeth Williams.
Credit: WLOX News
"Seeing it in person is a completely different experience, and that's what we're hoping for the students. We're hoping the students come and they become completely immersed in a collection that we feel is the best of the best of every genre."
Biloxi Public Schools' Facebook
What an awesome show of care from teachers.
(h/t) UpWorthy
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