A Blog Posted Photos Shaming A Doctor For Sleeping On The Job And It Started A Social Media Movement
May 20, 2015
A blog that criticized a Mexican doctor for falling asleep at her desk has started a social media movement. The blogger captured these photos of a young resident resting at the desk around 3 a.m.:
"We are aware that this is a tiring job but doctors are obliged to do their work," wrote the blogger who posted the images. "There are dozens of patients in need of attention."
Doctors around the world are often severely overworked, some work 36-hour shifts and 80-hour work weeks.
When Juan Carlos, a Mexican doctor, heard the story, he started the hashtag #YoTambienMeDormi ("I've also fallen asleep") and now hundreds of doctors and medical professionals are sharing their own photos and stories on social media in defense of the young resident.
Médicos latinoamericanos apoyan con #YoTambienMeDormi a residente #Entérate http://t.co/dmIo0CwDKD pic.twitter.com/HJX7fO3Mvb
Lovers & Friends, especially from the med field, check out #YoTambienMeDormi. Thank you. All my peace and love. pic.twitter.com/OkCRc02E8T
— (@hamcayanan) May 19, 2015
"36 hours of non-stop work are impossible without 10 minutes of rest."
#YoTambienMeDormi 36 horas seguidas de trabajo sin parar son imposibles sin 10 minutos de descanzo pic.twitter.com/kN3dRlSCyZ
— Paola Perez (@pao_perezf) May 16, 2015
#YoTambiénMeDormí. ¿Por qué médicos están orgullosos de quedarse dormidos en el hospital? http://t.co/VyCTjSdynm pic.twitter.com/MwCFLkCbjw
— AnimalPolitico.com (@Pajaropolitico) May 14, 2015
Médicos latinoamericanos marcan tendencia en las redes sociales con #YoTambiénMeDormí ► http://t.co/xYHzDiUesC pic.twitter.com/IhRx65soiQ
— Ecuador TV (@EcuadorTV) May 14, 2015
The hashtag has also served to highlight the sacrifices many doctors make for their profession, including forgoing meals and working for days on end.
#YoTambienMeDormi pic.twitter.com/p0W3O3k1Eb
— Paula Sáez (@Paula_Saez) May 11, 2015
"Doctors should be treated as normal humans with the same 'physiological needs' as everyone else," doctor Marcela Cueva told the BBC. "And that doesn't mean that we don't take good care of our patients," he said. "The problem is that nowadays the doctor-patient relationship has been damaged and social media is part of the reason. People are more likely to write when they go through bad experiences rather than good ones."
#YoTambiénMeDormí pic.twitter.com/meq0e85koP
— Harold Scope (@OtroDaVinci) May 11, 2015
As for the doctor pictured in the original photos, the hospital in Monterrey confirmed that she was still working there, and that no disciplinary action has been taken against her.
Should doctors be allowed to nap on the job?
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