She Spent Hours Lying On The Ground In The Cold. The Reason Why Is Amazing

April 28, 2015

When Amanda Guarascio heard about a lost dog, she and her friend Dylan Parkinson decided to help.

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

The dog, nicknamed "Bear", was scared, starving and alone. He wouldn't let anyone near.

"We spent an hour trying to coax him to us with food but it didn't get us very far," said Guarascio. They decided to go back into town to buy some hot dogs, then went back and tried until 3am trying to get the poor pup into the truck but they had no luck.

At a loss for what to do, they tried another idea.

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

"I got out and went behind the truck and then fetalized on the gravel road right by the pup with my back to him," Guarascio wrote. "He growled a little bit but eventually got close enough to smell me. I laid in the road for about 20 minutes before he lost interest and wandered off."

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

"We waited until he went back to a grassy spot on the side of the road to lay down. Dylan dropped me off and drove away."

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

"Once he started to get uncomfortable, I curled up in a ball and stopped moving. The next hour was spent slowly inching closer and closer to Bear. By now, Dylan had pulled back up across the road to watch us, and was also warning cars that her insane girlfriend was laying on the side of the road and not to hit me."

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

"Finally, I got right up next to Bear," Guarascio wrote. "He growled a little bit, so I started whimpering and yawning, which is a calming signal, and continued to slowly get closer and closer until I was rested up against the sweet little Baby Bear!"

Bear was emaciated with bones and ribs sticking out. But they had earned his trust. She spent the next two hours petting him and talking to him, and finally got a slip lead on him.

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

"This was the point in which he decided he never wanted to walk again," she wrote. "From 9 pm on I had to carry him everywhere! I had to pick him up and put him in the truck and then we snuggled together until we got to the vet."

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

Bear weighed 57 pounds and had developed skin and ear infections, but he's being treated for those problems.

two girls rescue starving dog
Credit: Amanda Guarascio

Although they say they're still looking for his owner, I think he just found them.

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