Man Dressed As Spiderman Spends Evenings Feeding The Homeless, Proves Anyone Can Be A Hero

March 13, 2015

A man dressed as Spiderman has been seen feeding homeless people on the streets of Birmingham, England.

spiderman feeds homeless
Birmingham Spiderman Facebook

The 20 year-old, who chooses to remain anonymous, spends his days as a bartender, and his evenings making sure the needy don't go hungry.

"I've learned that everyone is the same, we're all part of the human experience and I believe that we need to look at everyone as humans and help each other the same as we would a close friend," he told The Huffington Post in a message.

spiderman feeding homeless people
Birmingham Spiderman Facebook

"Before when I was handing out food, no one would take a second look," he added. "But when they see Spiderman handing out the food they come over and ask what I'm doing and are really interested. Most importantly [they] become inspired to get involved themselves."

The "Birmingham Spiderman" started a Facebook page in hopes to inspire others to help those in need. In response to people wanting to make donations, he shared this message:


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