Her Son With Autism Finally Got A Birthday Invite She Didn't Decline. And THIS Is Why

June 27, 2015

A mother of a child with severe autism shared a touching story on her blog about a wonderful mom who went out of her way to write a special note on the birthday invitation sent to her son.

amazing stories of kindness
Credit: The Book Of Timothy

Via The Book Of Timothy:

We parents of the "specials" know only too well the hurts our kids feel when they are left out of the social gatherings relative to childhood.

Organized sports, play dates, sleep overs and yes - the dreaded birthday parties.

I can say whole-heartedly that my son has not attended a single one. We have received countless invitations in the few years Timothy has attended school; of kids who mercilessly invite the entire class - and for that I'm grateful (don't get me wrong). Really cool sounding parties too.

I wonder if the parents know what would happen if I brought Timothy? The interruptions... the meltdowns... how I would hate to take the spotlight from the birthday child.

So we politely decline. Every. Single. One.

Until this one arrived......

happy stories

"Carter sat beside Timothy at school and he always talks about him. I really hope he can come. We are renting a bounce castle that we can attach a small bounce slide at the bottom. We will also have water balloon's and water guns. Maybe Timothy can come earlier in the day if it would be too much with the whole class. Let me know how we can make it work."

I don't know this Mom or even this child personally. I want to. Desperately.

This Mom wrote exactly what I needed to see that day and didn't even know it.

This Mom gives me hope for Timothy's future when sometimes I get stuck in the darkness of his diagnosis.

This Mom is everything I strive to be.

This Mom rocks.

This ------>(ME) Mom will be RSVPing a HELL YES for the first time ever. And I can't wait.

This article was originally published on The Book Of Timothy. Follow her page on Facebook for more awesome stories about parenting a child with special needs.

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