He Was Tired Of Looking At Boring Office Walls, So He Bought 9,000 Post-It Notes. The Result Is Amazing

April 1, 2015

One day I just got so tired of how sterile and boring our office felt, I thought I should do something about it.

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

As you can see, the walls are pretty plain, but that meant I had a lot of space to work with. I realized that painting would take a long time, and would be difficult to remove (I had the building facilities department to worry about), so I landed on Post-Its as a semi-cheap and fully temporary solution.

office superhero post its

I wanted something colorful, playful, and inspiring. My creative director and I tossed around some ideas. Famous Portraits? Pixelated iconic posters?

Eventually, he suggested superheroes. Superheroes were the answer.

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

Superheroes are strong and inspiring figures. They are iconic, and recognizable. Plus, we could design them ourselves.

office superhero post its

Some wonderful people in my office volunteered to come in over the weekend to help install the mural.

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

The finished piece!

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

office superhero post its

And here's a quick 44 second timelapse video of the process.

Credit: bruck7

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