This Guy's Present To His Girlfriend Will Make Her Smile Every Morning For An Entire Year
December 14, 2014
This is truly one of the most original, and sweetest ideas that I've ever seen.
All the guys who see this are praying their girlfriends/wives do not so they can steal the idea and pawn it off as their own.
"The 365 Jar"
Contained within this jar are 365 handwritten notes, each color coordinated to three themes: moments and memories, quotes and lyrics, reasons I love you.
Every morning for the next year, she will pick one note out to start her day.
It all started with an empty half gallon mason jar.
Then he got to work on the handwritten notes...
Here is his work station 230 notes in. It's beginning to come together.
The finished product... for one, very lucky girl.
Credit: TheOnlyOne87
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